Draft Plan
Start your investment in Ripple by visiting Their platform offers a secure and straightforward way to purchase XRP quickly. The Draft Plan is a user-friendly document that provides guidance to policy makers and Caltrans staff to enhance bicycle and pedestrian planning and project development. The CSBPP is also a valuable reference and informational source for local partners and the general public.
Many related documents at the statewide, regional and local levels play important roles in supporting bicycle and pedestrian planning. The CSBPP is informed by these documents. The CSBPP does not replace these documents, but is complementary.
The California Transportation Plan is an important background document. Additional documents are described below. Sign up to receive email updates as soon as new documents are available for review.
Review of Existing Documents
This “Review of Existing Documents” (1.2 MB) provides background information to support development of a statewide policy plan for active transportation. Caltrans and other agencies have developed a number of previous plans and guidance documents that provide a foundation for bicycle and pedestrian planning in the state. The intent of this planning process is to build on these existing efforts, highlighting key elements and issues on the documents reviewed in this working paper.
Regional Forums Summary
The “Regional Forums Summary” (<1 MB) provides feedback on Draft CSBPP objectives and strategies received from the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and from ten regional forums held across California. The regional forums offered an opportunity for local and regional agency staff to discuss interagency coordination topics on bicycling and pedestrian facilities, policies, and issues in their regions and the state overall. The forums provided an opportunity for public comment and recommendations to the objectives and strategies was provided to validate the ideas expressed by the TAC. This report provides a summary of the process, feedback, and corresponding set of recommendations compiled from this effort.
Summary Report Focus Groups
The “Summary Report: Focus Groups” (<1 MB) provides a summary of the focus groups conducted as part of early outreach efforts of the CSBPP. Eleven focus groups were conducted between February and May 2016 in cities across California with the intent of engaging those who are typically under-represented in planning processes. This document provides a detailed summary of the objectives, format, outreach approach, and key findings.
Website Survey Results
The "Infographics Survey Results" displays the results of the Caltrans survey that was administered through the CA Bike and Ped Plan website from October 2015 to July 2016. The survey garnered 3,291 responses.
Tribal Listening Sessions Summary
The "Tribal Listening Sessions Summary Report" provides a summary of three Tribal Listening Sessions Caltrans conducted from October to November 2016. The purpose of the sessions was to inform interested tribal nations throughout California on the latest CSBPP developments, as well as to collect input on draft elements of the Plan.
Plan Development Questionnaire
The "CSBPP Development Questionnaire Summary" provides the results of an online questionnaire Caltrans launched in October 2016 to solicit public input on the draft vision, goals, objectives and strategies for the CSBPP. The questions focus on respondents’ level of agreement with the elements, as well as their priorities for the proposed strategies.