About the CSBPP
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Caltrans is working with a diverse group of stakeholders and the public to develop a bike and pedestrian plan that will guide the planning and development of non-motorized transportation facilities and maximize the use of future investments on the State Highway System and other state facilities. The plan will also lead to improved connections between the State’s bicycle and pedestrian facilities with the network of local and regional roads, public transit, and intercity and passenger rail. The Plan will not replace existing policies and implementation plans at the regional and local levels.
- Evaluation of existing policies, programs, and guidance provided by Caltrans for active transportation modes.
- Development of a vision, goals, and objectives to guide Caltrans’ efforts for active transportation. Goals offer high-level vision, while objectives are more specific statements pertaining to each goal that define how results will be achieved. This effort will build on Caltrans’ existing goals established in the California Transportation Plan.
- Development of performance measures to evaluate the success of Caltrans’ policies and investments.
- Identification of the most promising strategies to meet the goals and objectives established by the plan.
- Public outreach and engagement that allows Caltrans to understand community walking and bicycling needs.
- Beginning development of statewide bicycle map.
View or download a brief fact sheet to learn more about the Draft Plan, and to share with others. Also, learn more about related documents that informed development of the CSBPP.